Episode Transcript
[00:00:12] Speaker A: Good morning, everyone. This is Doctor Krivolaro from the Sabah Library at the learning commons of ACS Athens. We are recording today the first introductory episode of the Lib Owl, the podcast of the Sabah Library recording here today with Shaya and Doreen. Doreen is my co host for today, and we would like to welcome you to this new podcast. Now, let's start from the beginning. The name, why Lib Owl? Well, it's a pun library owl on one hand. So the owl you might know is featured on the logo of acs. It's always been associated with the goddess Athena, and it's a symbol of wisdom and curiosity and popular culture. As much as in art, owls are often represented with books and intellectual curiosity. Therefore, it was a very easy choice. The pun lib Owl also relies on the fact that obviously lib is short for library. It's also an acronym for Literacy Enquiry and Beyond, for which we're going to have an award this year for middle school students at ACS Athens. It's also a reference to the ambivalence of the word in Latin, where liber both means book and free. It obviously refers to the idea that reading, knowing more, having intellectual curiosities, makes you free, makes you more complete and more open person. And that's the goal that we thought of developing with this podcast. Talking about curiosities, talking about themes that people in our community, students, teachers, might be curious about. Now, to explain the idea behind the format, we are going to do what you can expect passing to Doreen.
[00:02:31] Speaker B: So the format, it's going to be a bi weekly podcast, and students and teachers will be involved and can bring their own ideas about the topic, which is going to be a new theme each month of the podcast.
[00:02:46] Speaker A: Then for the next theme, we are going to have a different co host and a special guest. Our co host is going to be Shaya, another member of the student Librarians Club. And as a special guest, we are going to have Miss Kamos Fakidis. Now, how this is going to be done. As we mentioned, we are going to discuss every episode, a new theme, a new point of interest, and the topic is going to be selected based on students and teachers involvement. Every week we are going to browse requests we are going to receive from our audience. Every topic can be both entertaining and educational and engaging. You might not know, but right before we started recording, I was talking to Shaya about the origin of a very specific kind of sneakers, and that actually can lead to a discussion about the Cold War and marketing as well, so there is no limits to the topics you might want to discuss as long as they are of any interest to you and they spike your curiosity to submit your ideas to share your interest with us. To suggest any topic you would like us to discuss, you can write me or any member of the student Librarians Club. You will find our contact details in the notes of the podcast. You can find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or anywhere you get your favorite podcasts from.
You have been listening to the Libal, a production of the Sib Jaisabach library at the learning commons of the ACS Athens. This is Doctor Crivolaro and the student Librarians Club. Until next time, Wale at Que Waleedhouse subscribe.